Larry first attended Camp La Junta in 1948, when his father, Luther Graham, was in charge. After serving as a Navy SEAL and spending three years in the Amazon River Basin designing and building jungle hospitals, Larry returned to the camp in 1968 to take over as Camp Director. In this role, he succeeded his father and began shaping the camp’s unique activities and core philosophy, which continue to define Camp La Junta today. Blake, a Trinity University student, joined the staff in 1982 as a Junior Counselor and became Program Director in 1984. Cheryl, soon to be Blake’s wife, joined the La Junta family in 1985. David, a La Junta All-Around Cowboy, began his journey at camp as an eight-year-old camper in 1968 and later progressed through roles as a counselor and owner. Together, Blake, David, and Cheryl took the helm from Larry, working to ensure Camp La Junta remains a place where young people can explore the outdoors, build confidence, and create lifelong memories.